Thursday, May 20, 2010

Justice For All

"If the righteous is repaid on earth, how much more the wicked and the sinner!" (Proverbs 11:31).

Proverbs 11:21 has already assured us that "an evil person will not go unpunished." It is not surprising to know that most people are pleased when murderers, thieves, rapists, and crooked politicians go to jail for their crimes. We are extremely pleased when justice is served and wildly outraged when they go scot-free. Today's passage teaches that no one, not even "the righteous" go scot-free.

God is not only loving towards His children but He is also just. He is not an elderly grey-haired grandfather sitting in His rocking chair declaring "boys will be boys" when those He loves commit sin. Sin is a big deal to God because He knows the damage that is caused by sin. Lives are lost, marriages are torn apart, innocence is violated, and hopes and dreams are snuffed out by sin. Sin ruins everything.

The warning to those who have rebelled against God, thus choosing to live self centered lives that are characterized by evil and sin, is that there will be punishment. They will be held accountable for their ruthless ways. In other words, harm will come to those who harm.

Even those who love God and have placed their faith in His Son, for the forgiveness of their sin, will be held accountable. If people of faith face the corrective hand of a loving Father, how much more will wicked people!

Do not get discouraged if you look around and see that "the wicked and the sinner" seem to be getting away with murder. God has promised to bring justice to those who are deserving. Even though His love extends to everyone on the face of the earth, everyone will be held accountable for their actions. The "righteous"? Yes. The "wicked"? Even more so. God invented justice for all.

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