Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Pretender

"The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool" (Proverbs 10:18).

Proverbs 10:18-21 is all about talking. These four passages each refer to some aspect of our words. Our words can do a lot of good as well as a lot of damage. It takes great wisdom to know how to use our many words.

In today's passage, we learn that hatred can lead to all kinds of trouble. Oftentimes, when there is hatred for someone, a person is forced to lie to them. There are deceptive words used to cover the hatred. To do so makes us a pretender with people. This is different than what our mothers taught us when they said, "If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all." Trying to conceal hatred with lies is a different matter. The best solution to this problem is to not hate anyone. While this proverb doesn't walk us through that particular process, other Scriptures do. Our journey toward love and away from hate is advanced by the truth of Scripture.

What we learn from the second part of this passage is that when we lie to a person who is hated, we also tend to slander them behind their back. This passage connects the two parts with the word "and" which shows that lying and slander both result from hatred. This is why we must rid our hearts of hatred for individuals. If not, we will find ourselves saying things to the person which are either not true (a lie) or mean spirited (slander).

If we find we are lying to someone about our hateful feelings toward them, it is best to allow the Word of God to direct us to the love of God provided by His Holy Spirit. If not, there is a chance we will slander them behind their back.

Lying and slandering, born of hatred, are the characteristics of a fool. May God direct our hearts toward love for all people. If not, we will find ourselves living quite foolishly by way of our hateful and slanderous words. We will find ourselves being a pretender.

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