I know that if someone handed you or me an authentic treasure map, you know, the kind with a dotted line zig zagging across the page in and around landmarks and stopping at a big black X... I know we would get busy. We would be diligent in our hunt for the buried treasure. I know that we would set all else aside and begin the hunt.
I believe today's passage is just such a map. A map that gives instructions on how to discover hidden treasure... treasure described as fear and knowledge of the Lord. Today's passage gives instruction on what efforts are needed to gain wisdom.
It starts by us receiving and treasuring God's instructions... His words and commandments. In short, we begin our treasure hunt by following the directions laid out for us by our Heavenly Father. It continues by listening to wisdom and applying it within our hearts. The quest continues as we call out for insight and cry for understanding. This means we need to request it... petition the Lord for it... verbalize our need.
By following this map, we gain wisdom and understanding in regards to our Father's words and commands. We gain valuable insight and understanding... we find treasure more valuable than silver or gold.
If you can't tell, it takes effort to become wise. Wisdom doesn't just happen. If we want to become wise children of God, we must be open to His instruction (receiving), we must retain what we learn (treasure), we must hear with a spiritual ear, and apply the truth with a spiritual heart.
To find wisdom for life, we must see it as a treasure hunt that involves a diligent search for that which is more precious than gold and silver. This, if nothing else, reveals to us the value of wisdom. This, I really do hope, motivates us to start our own personal treasure hunt for the wisdom God offers us for the life He calls us to.
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