What’s your reputation with those you hang around? How about your reputation with God? Do you have a favorable reputation with God and with people? Are you known for someone who loves deeply and is deeply committed?
Our reputation has to do with what we are known for. Today’s passage tells us that our reputation with God and man can be favorable if we wear steadfast love and faithfulness like a necklace. Meaning, those qualities are as visible as a shiny gold necklace or chain. Our reputation will be favorable if we write them on our hearts. Meaning, we make them a part of our inner life.
It is important that we have a reputation of being loyal to our commitments. That’s what it means to be faithful. Steadfast love and faithfulness go together. They are qualities of affection for and commitment to God and others. If we have a reputation for that, we have a good name.
The pleasure of God rests on those whose lives are marked by love and commitment. The Lord works in and through such people to bring them a level of success in life. Success in life simply means that life is lived to the full. It’s a life that runs on all spiritual cylinders. No sputtering or backfires.
Are you known for your solid love and your unyielding commitments? Are you sensing the favor of the Lord on your life? The favor of God and of men rests upon the person who loves steadily and wavers not in his commitments. Those are the folks, we are told, who have a good reputation with God and others.
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