Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Apple Of Your Eye?

"My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; bind them on you fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart" (Proverbs 7:1-3).

Wisdom guards a person's whole life. To illustrate the need to have wisdom impact a person's whole life, Solomon encourages his son to engage his "eye," "fingers," and "heart." What we see, touch, and emotionally attach ourselves to really does matter. To write truth on our hearts is to internalize that truth. The heart is all about our insides. Guarding our hearts starts with what we look at.

Lust begins with the eye. That which we see and are attracted to, we want. It is how our flesh operates. But again, not all that we want is meant to be ours. That is why we have to be careful what we look at. There is a temptation to want it all and then do whatever it takes to have it.

There is a progression that can be deadly. We see it with our eye... we grab for it with our fingers... and then we embrace it with our hearts. If that progression is allowed to happen in the context of our sexuality, it can destroy our lives.

It is important that we experience that progression with what is true and good. Solomon calls on his son to keep his teaching in clear view, to grab hold of truth with his fingers, and to emotionally attach himself to what is right.

What is the apple of your eye today? Whatever it is, be aware of the progression that follows. You will eventually grab for it and then you will emotionally attach yourself to it. So I ask you again, what is the apple of your eye?

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